Human Resources for modern companies

Open HRMS- to attain the growth that you sought

All-in-one: Recruitments, Appraisal, Expenses,
Leaves, Attendances, etc.

Open HRMS- to attain the growth that you sought. A visually engaging way to provide executives the information they need.

Successfully manage your employees

Centralize all your HR information.

Oversee all important information for each department at a glance. Restrict visibility of sensitive information to just HR managers, or make other information public for all employees to see such as employee directory. Receive alerts for any new leave requests, allocation requests, applications, appraisals, and more.

  • Leaves
  • Allocations
  • Timesheets
  • Attendances
  • Appraisals
  • Recruitments
  • Expenses

Track time & attendance

Weekly or monthly timesheets with optional attendance tracking.

Keep track of the employee hours worked and sort by project, client, or tasks. Easily access statistics to record and analyze timesheets as well as check each employee’s attendance. Integrated accounting automatically posts reports based on time spent in projects providing real-time data.

Leave management

Simplified tracking for employee vacation and sick days.

Employees  enter their requests (paid time off, sick leave, etc)

Managers  decide to either approve or refuse time off requests.

Notification is sent to the employee and their  calendar  is updated automatically.

Streamlined expense management

Get expenses updated and approved fast.

Employees can easily submit and justify expenses. Managers can review all expenses and either approve or reject individual requests as needed. Once approved, expenses are immediately updated in Odoo Accounting.

Employee evaluation made easy

Thorough evaluations without the hassle.

Easily set up your evaluation process and calendar. Design form-based questionnaires to collect feedback from everyone in the company, from employees to managers, as well as self-evaluations. Automate the entire process so that you can focus on people, not administration duties.

Recruit top talents

Streamline your hiring process.

Set up a job board to post open positions in just a few clicks and easily keep track of submitted applications. Oversee and manage your applicant pipeline and integrate Odoo Survey to create a screening questionnaire which automatically associates with the candidate record.

Boost engagement with social tools

Improve communication between employees and motivate them through rewards.

Enterprise social network

Let employees collaborate across departments, locations, and Odoo modules by interacting in real-time with live chat, share knowledge and best practices, follow specific people or documents to stay informed, as well as joining interest groups to share expertise and encourage teamwork.


Inspire employees with challenges, goals, and rewards. Design your own targets, define clear objectives, provide real-time feedback and tangible results. Showcase the top performers for each team and publicly recognize employee and team accomplishments.

Fully integrated with other Odoo Apps


Streamline your recruitment process. Index resumes, track applicants, and search profiles.


Follow-up on employee development. Set-up appraisals and help your employees grow and evolve.


Manage leave requests and employee allocations. Update calendars automatically.


Get a full overview of employee expenses, streamline the approval process, and track all records.

HR Features


An efficient applicant tracking system and dynamic recruiting software.

Employee Database

Centralised database to manage everything on your fingertip.

HR Administration

Spend time on your goals, not on routine administration.

HR Reports

Reports that can help you to stay on the top.


Painless payroll processing with Open HRMS.


Transparent appraisal strategies with increased employee engagement.

Attendance & Leaves

An intuitive attendance management system.

For More Features

Timesheet, Branch transfer, GOSI contribution, etc

Asset Reporting

With reporting features, you can spot bottlenecks, keep an eye on performance, and enhance service delivery. Standard reports that come with it and easily-buildable custom reports give you the power of data-driven analysis for better decisions.

On-The-Fly Customizations

Make your own asset management software that is open source. By including custom fields in your forms, you can map the data that matters to you. Then, without writing a single line of code, modify form behavior by auto-fetching values, hiding fields based on user roles, and developing custom print formats.

Multilingual Asset Management Software

Can’t find your language? Help us translate:

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Whatever industry you belong to be, we offer unique, scalable, and robust solutions that will help you manage your business the way you want.

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There are tasks in every industry that are susceptible to becoming stuck in data, verification, and analysis. By implementing RPA in your organization with the help of ERPKA, you can streamline those processes and free up your workforce to concentrate on tasks where they can have a significant impact.

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